Tag Archives: Automation

Cobots not robots: the future of sales

Tools are not replacing sales people – they are empowering them to take an intelligent, tailored approach to every single engagement, and, As Andy McDonald, CEO, Cloudapps, explains, combining the art and science of selling to reach a completely new level.

5 top tips for ensuring your conversational AI project is a hit

Conversational AI is becoming more popular as a way of automating messaging and speech-enabled applications that offer human-like interactions between computers and humans. But it’s often hard to get these projects right. This article will look at five key areas that will help improve your Conversational AI project, explains Dan Johnson, Head of Automation, Future Workforce.

Don’t innovate for innovation’s sake

Embarking on a digital transformation project can be exciting for many organizations – especially when customers, prospects, employees, and wider stakeholders feel the changes in a positive way. However, if the motivation to undergo a programme is purely for vanity or because a competitor is doing the same thing, it’s likely to fall flat.

That’s because innovation isn’t simply a case of rolling out a new product or service without substance or thought. Instead, it’s about adding value, as Carol McGrotty, head of transformation for cloud disruptor firm Vapour, explains.

2021, the year the business automation gap is closed?

Most businesses would agree that Covid brought heavy process and cost implications along with it. And select British industries like hospitality have suffered substantial blows to their bottom line over the last 12 months. But is 2021, the year the business automation gap closed?