Tag Archives: GenerativeAI

Importance of a Zero Trust Approach to GenAI

In an era where machine-generated media holds increasing influence over how we communicate, live, and learn, ensuring accountability will be paramount. Holistically integrating Zero Trust security spanning authentication, authorisation, data validation, process oversight and output controls will be vital to ensure such systems are safeguarded as much as possible against misuse. But what would Zero Trust Generative AI look like? Why is it required? How should it be implemented? And what are the main challenges the industry will have?

My Predictions: Top Tech Trends in 2024

For many, a new year is synonymous with resolutions. I also see it as a time to think about the top technology considerations to prioritize going forwards. The holiday break gives me time to digest and reflect on the evolving technology landscape. It gives me a framework to build on, helping to open more rewarding discussions with our partners and customers in the new year.